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PrimoChill True Infused – Insanely Concentrated Liquid Pre-Mix  – Opaque Steel Blue

PrimoChill True Infused – Insanely Concentrated Liquid Pre-Mix – Opaque Steel Blue

PrimoChill True Infused – Insanely Concentrated Liquid Pre-Mix  – Opaque Cobalt

PrimoChill True Infused – Insanely Concentrated Liquid Pre-Mix – Opaque Cobalt

PrimoChill True Infused – Insanely Concentrated Liquid Pre-Mix – Opaque Cobalt


Opaque True is a long-awaited astounding breakthrough in showcase coolant. The solid vibrant color will set the edge on your next build and provide stunning pictures of sheer beauty to be appreciated by all. Opaque is classified as a showcase style coolant but performance is comparable to any of its transparent counterparts.

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Opaque True is a long-awaited astounding breakthrough in showcase coolant. The solid vibrant color will set the edge on your next build and provide stunning pictures of sheer beauty to be appreciated by all. Opaque is classified as a showcase style coolant but performance is comparable to any of its transparent counterparts.


Repeatable Chemistry
Repeatable chemistry for True™ colors every time.


Waterbased Concentrate
Waterbased pre-mix concentrate solution.


Pre-Measured & Pre-Dyed
Pre-measured and pre-dyed.  Ready to mix with water and add to your system.


Cleanest coolant formulation in the water cooling industry.


Safe on Most Materials
Safe on all plastics, rubbers, miscellaneous gasket materials, and acrylic.


Preservative & APE Free
Preservative and APE free.


Special Inhibitors
Special inhibiting ingredients that prevent sludge build up of algae and galvanic corrosion.


Shelf Life
2 year shelf life (unopened in original Bottle)

Parts Included

  • Bottle Size: 8 fluid ounces
  • Shelf Life: 2 years (unopened)
  • Mix Ratio: Add to 1 gallon Distilled Water
  • Added Value: Opaque Sys Prep Included
  • Compatible Additives / Fluids:TRUE only

Opaque Sys Prep Instructions

1. Install your cooling loop and double-check connections to ensure loop is “closed” with no leaks!
2. Empty bottle of Opaque SysPrep into 1 US Gallon of fresh DI or Distilled water, and shake for 30 seconds.
3. Add mix to cooling loop.
4. Fill loop with treated water and be sure to remove as many air bubbles as possible.
5. Start loop pump and begin circulating the treated water.**
6. Run treated water for a minimum of 48 hours to ensure loop is properly flushed and treated.
7. Drain System. Inspect drained water for debris or foreign particles. Dispose of drained water. Repeat flush if needed. ***
8. Fill loop with coolant.

** Notes: During the “flush” the water may become cloudy and foaming may occur. Do not worry! This means the SysPrep is doing its job! If after flushing the loop debris is still present, please repeat flush again.
** *Residual treated water left in your loop after draining is not harmful. However, if you prefer to remove it, simply rinse the loop with fresh DI or Distilled Water.

Opaque True™ Instructions

  1. Finish Opaque Sys Prep Instructions. (Required for new builds as well as existing system refills).
  2. Mix 8oz Opaque True™ bottle with 1 gallon distilled water.
  3. Shake casually to incorporate the pre-mix with the water. (Excessive force or mixing not required)
  4. Fill your system with fluid using your preferred priming method.


This product is intended for Experienced/Professional Users Only.
Opaque coolants are to be monitored daily to ensure that there is no color change or any collection or separation of True Opaque.

Please be aware of the following before using any colored fluid in your system.

All water-cooling loops (existing as well as new) must be prepared using the included Opaque Sys Prep

As with all custom loop water-cooling, continual maintenance and daily inspection is required. If you intend to “fill your loop and forget it”, we STRONGLY recommend NOT using True Opaque. True Opaque will need to be replaced every 6 months or sooner, depending on the complexity and conditions of your loop. This will be required to maintain the aesthetic appeal of your loop.


Use of this product with aluminum components (such as aluminum constructed radiators) is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED and will void the fluid warranty. PrimoChill will not support or replace fluids used with an aluminum radiator.
Do not mix ANY additional additives, coolants or silver coils with Opaque True. This will change the formulation of Opaque True which can cause the fluid to solidify or break apart.

The use of any colored fluids/dyes WILL ABSOLUTELY stain your components in your cooling loop including rigid and flexible tubing, acrylic reservoirs, and blocks. Prolonged use will cause permanent staining of your components. Severity of staining will be based on the color. Use of this product is at your own risk. PrimoChill will not replace stained components.

Color Loss
During the initial application of True Opaque, the product may change/lose its original color when added to your loop within the first 24-48 hours. This is a common, well known occurrence. If this happens to your system, immediately drain and flush it out with DI or Distilled water. Once the system has been drained and cleaned, refill your system with True Opaque fluid once again. True Opaque will over time help neutralize your cooling loop, which will then stabilize the color.

Collection or separation of particles
As with all Opaque fluids, buildup of particles in the micro channels of water blocks will occur over time. This buildup/blockage can cause the fluid in your system to flow slower and could possibly stop flow all together. System pressure also plays a role in how well True Opaque performs. The combination of high pressure loops and microchannel water blocks will accelerate the breakdown of True Opaque coolant. We STRONGLY recommend using a pressure relief valve in every water-cooling loop. If you notice ANY collection or separation of True Opaque, drain and rinse your system IMMEDIATELY. Running your system with True Opaque coolant after it has separated can cause unknown issues and could require the user to remove, open, and clean each individual component in the system.


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