Professional Case Sound Proof Material Installation - Mid-Tower
Turn any case into a Special Edition. Our Professional Installers remove the hard drive racks, power supply railings, case tops and anything else necessary for complete installation of our Akasa Premium Quality Pax Mate Plus sound proof material. Price includes complete installation on case top and bottom and both side panels. All straight cuts with perfect seems. You'll love it and your ears will Thank You!
Turn any case into a Special Edition. Our Professional Installers remove the hard drive racks, power supply railings, case tops and anything else necessary for complete installation of our Akasa Premium Quality Pax Mate Plus sound proof material. Price includes complete installation on case top and bottom and both side panels. All straight cuts with perfect seems. You'll love it and your ears will Thank You!
We can provide this service when you purchase any case from us. Just add it to your cart and then add this service. Please allow a few days for completion. You can also email us to set up arrangements to have your case sent to us for us to complete the service.