No doubt, almost every extreme overclocker has had difficulty with accurate temperature readings when going down to cryogen-range temperatures, especially for full-pot benching. While some might think that 10c would not make a difference in results, die-hard overclockers know that 10c can cost you a record and /or 100-200MHz. Most modern CPUs like 3770K or AMD FX line are capable to go to the maximum Ln2 temperatures.
No doubt, almost every extreme overclocker has had difficulty with accurate temperature readings when going down to cryogen-range temperatures, especially for full-pot benching. While some might think that 10c would not make a difference in results, die-hard overclockers know that 10c can cost you a record and /or 100-200MHz. Most modern CPUs like 3770K or AMD FX line are capable to go to the maximum Ln2 temperatures.
Incorrect/generic thermocoule probes designed for common -50°C - 1260°C range are not very good for temperatures outside that range, because the vendor is not bothering with matching the materials used in the manufacturing process and binning. As a result your thermometer can read anything from -160°C to -210°C even when you have -196°C LN2 temp. So as a solution we have prepared our own KPC in house made probes, with matched performance to KPC containers. Only the best grade wire with professional connectors are used for this new line of thermocouples. Probes are using twisted 20AWG gauge wire from Watlow. It's standard ANSI Type K, with kapton insulation and shielding wire. Wires have guaranteed tolerance from +-0.5°C or 0.4% for a wide -200°C to 1200 °C range. Even when outside of that range, this probe is still functional and can be as accurate as within 2°C.
Have you had probes easily damaged, which then required the insulation to be removed for probe replacement? Forget about this with KPC extreme Thermoucouple, 20AWG is not easy to break. Wire is welded by high-energy explosion on very tip, ensuring a robust metal joint. Having only thermocouple metals in the welded joint is essential for accuracy and reliability. lso connection to temperature meter is important. Contacts must use same Chromel/Alumel matched metals, to avoid effects of a parasitic thermocouples on signal path. By using OMEGA Industrial SMPW-K-M Miniature connectors, we can ensure this with confidence. Connector is modular and can be disconnected from probe if needed with just a screwdriver. Silicone grommets prevent moisture and dust from reaching contacts. All probes are prebinned, and guaranteed to measure accurate temperature at LN2 range within 1°C. This is done by using reference high-precision Keithley 2001 system meter with 7.5 digit resolution. We also check and verify performance with the most regularly and widely used thermometers, like Fluke 51 II or 52 II.